“Queen International” is an Italian beauty centric magazine targeting the all encompassing world of female beauty: fashion, makeup, hair colouring and styling. First published 30 years ago, it has managed to keep up on top of the game by combining a unique all-inclusive approach towards the hairdresser and its clients.
Offering not only inspiration for the professionals but, also, entertainment for the clients by providing articles covering travel, music and books. Bringing the contento to 47.700.000 possible readers during the six month life span of each of our magazines
The “Queen International” portfolio is currently composed by four different localised editions, reaching out the Central European, Benelux, Latin American and Arab Markets. As well as male centred offering “Prince” Magazine.
Throughout its history “Queen International” has amassed a cult like following, cementing its position in the industry. Amongst its pages legends of the hairdressing world have been featured innumerable times, while keeping a lifeline open for upcoming and upstart talent.
In order to maximise the reach and presence of our products, both “Queen International” and “Prince” designed with some editorial considerations:
The release calendar, four editions per year for “Queen International” and three for “Prince”, is built to fully cover the Printemps/Estate, Automne/Hiver, and Resort fashion seasons.
Its high quality paper and printing allow the reader to be truly immersed in the beautiful imagery portrayed, the heart of our product.
To fully preserve this experience, the advertisement ratio is the lowest in a magazine of this kind. We eschew the traditional 70% ratio of advertisement to content. We are proud that “Queen International” has only 10 pages out of 180 dedicated to relevant publicity
We kindly ask you to verify the authenticity of the magazine by checking the logo.
Please let us know about any irregularities.
For more information: info@apsqueen.it